Chemical plants are different from most other businesses. Floor drains in a chemical plant are a major cause for concern. At Chemvalon, a common question we ask is, “Where does that drain go?”
On the face of it, it’s a fairly innocent question. The replies we hear are often a major cause for concern.
Most chemical companies operate subject to various permits which restrict how chemicals are used and stored on site. Many chemicals, and especially waste chemicals awaiting disposal, are required to be stored within a secondary containment area. The correct design and construction of secondary containment is essential. Correct management of those areas is a must.
Floor drains in secondary containments defeat the purpose of secondary (“spill”) containment. It’s a fair bet that any past spills in that area went to a drain, and so knowing where that drain went is critical. Dye tests may help identify where the drains go, and a “snake camera” may help show if the drains have collapsed. But even if everything appears OK, those drains may still have been leaking undetected for years.
Look for recent plant modifications that may have involved new drainage connections. It is not unusual for new connections to be tied into old drains. Finding out where all the drains go is not always easy, but it is usually money well spent.
The day you buy that plant – you buy at least part of the cost to remediate these problems. A well thought out core sampling plan may be called for, to test for ground contamination, along with some specific warranties and indemnity protection provisions in the SPA.
Let Chemvalon experts help to identify and avoid ground contamination risk that could be a drain on your post-acquisition cash flow.